Minggu, 12 November 2023




Untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa mengenai materi atau mata pelajaran tertentu dibutuhkan suatu pengujian sehingga menjadi hasilnya bisa menjadi bahan untuk evaluasi guru dan kurikulum untuk bisa melanjutkan mata pelajaran pada level atau tingkat yang lebih tinggi.

Salah satu bentuk instrumen untuk pengujian adalah tes berbentuk pilihan ganda. Bentuk tes pilihan ganda adalah seperangkat instrumen tes yang setiap butirnya menyediakan pilihan jawaban dan salah satu opsinya adalah jawaban yang benar, sedangkan yang lainnya biasanya digunakan sebagai pengecoh.

Ternyata pilihan ganda tidak hanya ada satu jenis dan ada pilihan ganda yang memiliki lebih dari satu jawaban benar. Pilihan ganda kompleks adalah salah satu jenis pilihan ganda yang dalam menjawabnya memungkinkan sebuah pertanyaan atau soal memiliki lebih dari satu jawaban benar.

Berikut saya berikan contoh soal pilihan ganda kompleks dengan materi pokok bahasa Inggris untuk level SMP.


Complex Multiple Choice

Choose the correct answer by crossing

a.    if statement 1, 2 and 3 are correct

b.    if statement 1 and 3 are correct

c.    if statement 2 and 4 are correct

d.    if only statement 4 is correct



The following text is for question number 1 to 4


           Do you know the building next to the hospital in my town? Yeah, that is a post office. It is across of the bank and tax office. It is one of public facility used to sort, process, and deliver mail to the recipient. The color of the building’s wall is orange. It looks shiny and eye-catching. The first floor of the building is used to service the customer while the second is to store some packages to deliver. Sometimes, I go there to send letter or package.


1.      Read the following statements and find the correct ones.

1.   The writer talks about a post office.

2.   The writer tells us how to ge to a post office

3.   The text describes about a post office.

4.   The text shows us the buildings near a post office.


Which is the correct statement about the text?

a.   1, 2 and 3

b.  1 and 3

c.   2 and 4

d.   4


2.  Read the following statements and find the correct ones.

1.    The bank is across the post office.

2.    The hospital is next to the post offiice

3.    The tax office is near the post office

4.    The bank office is next to the post office


            The correct statement that relates to the location of public facilities is …

a.   1, 2 and 3

b.   1 and 3

c.   2 and 4

d.   4


3. Which statemment describes the post office correctly

1.    The post office building is difficult to find

2.    The post office is one of public facilities.

3.    The post office is a kind of storing building

4.    The post office building’s wall is orange


            The correct statement that describes the post office correctly is  …

a.   1, 2 and 3

b.   1 and 3

c.   2 and 4

d.   4

4. Read the following statements and find the correct ones

1.      A post office is eye-catching because the wall is shiny.

2.      Customers send letters and deliver packages to post office.

3.      A post office service takes place in the bank and tax office.

4.      Customers go to a post office to send letter or package.


What can we conclude from the text

a.   1, 2 and 3

b.   1 and 3

c.   2 and 4

d.  4


5.  Pay attention to the following statements.

1.    The readers can gain the risk of consuming the product improperly.

2.    The readers can describe the taste and texture of the product in detail.

3.    The readers can present how to make and serve the product .

4.    The readers can get reliable informations before taking the product.


What is the advantage of reading the text?

a.    1, 2 and 3 are correct

b.    1 and 3 are correct

c.     2 and 4 are correct

d.    only 4 is correct


6. Pay attention to the following statements.

1)    The product is a kind of snack.

2)    It is okay to use the product after April 2024.

3)    The product contains a lot of vitamins.

4)    There are more sugar than fat in the product.


Based on the statements above, we can conclude that statements ...

a.    1, 2 and 3 are correct

b.    1 and 3 are correct

c.     2 and 4 are correct

d.    only 4 is correct


7. Read the followings statements

1.    The text tells the reader how to make the product of Oreo.

2.    The text describes the readers detailed information about Oreo

3.    The text shows the readers how delicious the product of Oreo is.

4.    The text informs the readers about the product of Oreo in detail.


Which statements are about the communicative purpose of the text?

a.    1, 2 and 3 are correct

b.    1 and 3 are correct

c.    2 and 4 are correct

d.    only 4 is correct


8. What is the suitable expression to complete the following dialog?

Student            : “Can I help you, Sir?”

Teacher           : “Sure. Thank you very much.”

Student            : “….”


1)    Don’t mention it

2)    My pleasure

3)    That’s fine

4)    I am sorry


A.   Statements 1, 2 and 3 are correct.

B.    Statements 1 and 3 are correct.

C.   Statements 2 and 4 are correct.

D.   Only statemens 4 is correct.

9.  Based on the picture, which statements are correct?



1)    The boys are playing.

2)    The girl is kicking the ball.

3)    The kids are in the classroom.

4)    The girls are playing football.


A.    Statements 1, 2 and 3 are correct.

B.    Statements 1 and 3 are correct.

C.   Statements 2 and 4 are correct.

D.   Only statement 4 is correct.

10. Which statements are correct?

Dear Umi

Congratulations, you are the winner!

Your hard work has already been paid off.




1)    Umi congratulates Sinta.

2)    Sinta became the winner.

3)    The sender of the card is Umi.

4)    Umi won a competition.


A.    Statements 1, 2 and 3 are correct.

B.    Statements 1 and 3 are correct.

C.   Statements 2 and 4 are correct.

D.   Only statement 4 is correct.

Demikian contoh soal lengkap dengan jawaban berbentuk pilihan ganda kompleks (PGK)

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Peta Sidareja Ke Barat dan Utara 1942